

Popmusical theatre based on Thomas Morus’ novel

Part 1   –   Making of the film

»Utopia « by KOMMANDO HIMMELFAHRT and niedervolthoudini is an experimental music-film, based on Thomas More’s remarkable novel from 1517. The film was shot in a theatre space in front of a live audience, using rear projection technique. The shooting of the film therefore was at the same time a theatrical performance.

Premiere: 14th of February 2013, Kampnagel, Hamburg

Fimscreening: 17th of Oktober 2013 – Rialto-Lichtspiele, Hamburg Wilhelmsburg

Part 2  –   International building exhibition 

Performance: 22nd of March 2013, Premises of IBA 2013, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg



BY: KOMMANDO HIMMELFAHRT (Jan Dvorak / Thomas Fiedler): book, composition, staging / niedervolthoudini (Carl-John Hoffmann, Sebastian Kubersky, Jonas Alsleben): video / Julia Warnemünde: head of production, dramaturgy / Peter Thiessen: voice / José Luna: costume / Maria Graf: make up / Pete Savill: technical director / Sascha Bunz: collaboration on songbook / Peter Häublein: collaboration on music / Friederike Pasch: assistant director / Ewen Kramer: costume assistent / Anna Stradinger: intern direction / Lisa Gnutzmann: intern costume design / Ronja Niendorff, Tobias Kluge, Marie Schierloh: intern production management

WITH: Anton Berman, Tim Beger, Matthias Bernhold, Katrin Bethge, Jacqueline S. Blouin, Sascha Bunz, Marialuisa Capurso, Sascha Demand, Michael Dvorak, Ensemble Tessitura, Maria Graf, Cordula Grolle, Lisa Gnutzmann, Peter Häublein, Wil van Iersel, Ben Daniel Jöhnk, Anik Lazar mit Leo Lazar & Gitte Jabs, Marcia Lemke-Kern, Katzenkönig, Tobias Kluge, Ewen Kramer, Friedrich Liechtenstein, Dr. Hendrik Lücke, José Luna, Nathan Quartett, Nelly Boyd Kreis, niedervolthoudini, Ronja Niendorff, Friederike Pasch, Kostia Rapoport, Oli Rubow, Pete Savill, Marie Schierloh, Merten Schroedter, Anna Stradinger, Peter Thiessen, Anne Cathrin Ulikowski, Ten Ta To feat. Niklas Hardt & Thomas Leboeg, Sonja Vordermaier, Julia Warnemünde and the Hip Cat Club.

Participants in film: Peter Thiessen (Thomas Morus), Ben Daniel Jöhnk (Raphael Hythlodeus), Merten Schroedter (Peter Gilles, Utopier), Jacqueline S. Blouin (Utopisches Mädchen), Friedrich Liechtenstein (Präsident Utopias), Marialuisa Capurso (Utopierin)

Ten Ta To: Tim Beger (clarinet), Sascha Bunz (bass), Marialuisa Capurso (voice and percussion), Jan Dvorak (cembalo), Niklas Hardt (cello), Thomas Leboeg (keyboards), Ensemble Tessitura, Dr. Hendrik Lücke (direction of chorus)

A production by KOMMANDO HIMMELFAHRT, enabled by IBA Hamburg as part of the opening of their presentation year, in cooperation with Kampnagel.

Funded by Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and Rudolf Augstein Stiftung.