
Himmelfahrt Radio Show 

»The Himmelfahrt Radio Show« is a second, more scenic version of the Hamburg Requiem. It’s a live show, which is transmitted at the same time in free radio stations in Hamburg and Vienna. 

Concept, music, direction: Jan Dvorak, Thomas Fiedler 
Stage: Muriel Nestler
Costumes: Sebastian Ellrich

WITH: Maria SchraderFriedrich LiechtensteinFabian Gerhardt, Susanne Mayer, Jacqueline S. BlouinJanina Goy, Manfred Kuballa, Arne Peters, Krister Hanne, feat. Jan Gehmlich; Tonikum (direction Kerstin Behnke), Ensemble Tricorde, Zentralkapelle, Ten Ta To 

A coproduction by KOMMANDO HIMMELFAHRT and HAU, Berlin
Funded by Hauptstadtstadtkulturfonds